In my last post I was just graduating from the CIT academy and complaining about how busy I was. That was almost a month ago, and I think, unintentionally, I was tempting fate. Because that was a pretty mild week, compared to the time that has passed since then.
In fact, it was so wild, it bucked me off the blogging horse. I am a procrastinator, and always have been. I have thought about posting alot of times. But like I normally do, I put it off with thoughts like, "oh, there is so much to cover, I dont have time to do it now." Or, "After I download the pictures off of the camera I will take care of it." So now, I quote from Inigo Montoya, from The Princess Bride;
"Let me explain… No, there is too much. Let me sum up..."
Here is a list of the things that have happened since I posted last; (if you are involved in any of these, I am not posting them in order of importance, just how my mind regurgitates them)
1- Charisse and Kory were married (YAY! we are so excited for you, and we love Kory, he is a great addition to our family)
2- In conjunction with the wedding, Mom and Dad visited from Maryland, and it was great to see them.
3- BYU won the most important game of the year (VS. UofU). (If they are going to continue winning with only seconds to spare, I am going to have to start watching the games in a hospital. My heart can't handle it)
4- Thanksgiving. We are so lucky (and spoiled) we get two of them every year. We were even lucky enough to get the newlyweds at our house for the Marchant Thanksgiving (only 2 days after the wedding).
5- Its December. Holy cow, it can't be. I am not ready for December. The kids are so AMPED for Christmas. For Natalie and I, it always seems to be the hardest month of the year. We are not rich by any means, but it seems like there is no extra money in December. Natalie told me that she wondered if this was one of our trials, so that we could appreciate the true meaning of Christmas. I am beginning to think this is true.
6- My Brian is sick, he has been complaining that his neck hurts him. Natalie took him to the Dr. Wilding. Brian has an infection in his throat. So he has anti-biotics. I was ok with that until they did a blood test on him and they said that his white blood cell count was high. They said to give the anti-biotics a chance to work, and to bring him back if the symptons continue. This just freaks me out. I have seen bad results with high white blood cell counts. So I am worried about him. I am a really big worrier. So I am hoping, and praying, that the medicine will help him.
7- Finally, December is my month of family and relaxation (I hope). I had a bunch of use it or lose it vacation days that had to be used by the end of December. With 5 strategically planned days off I and only scheduled to work 6 days over the next 17 days. WaHooo. Hopefully if everything goes well this will be a rejuvinating month for me.
Ok, its a months worth. Hopefully I can post a bit more frequently now. I am sure I will see everyone that is reading this soon. Happy December!!
Maryland Storm of 2010 & Brian's Baptism
15 years ago
What a crazy month. I hope Brian's doing okay. We have kept him in our prayers. Hopefully, we will see you on Sunday.
What is going on with Brian? Why don't you let us know about these things so we can pray for him too.
I love you and miss you,
Love, MOM
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