In January I aquired a new toy. Lord of the Rings says it best with, "My precious". Here it is;

It's so awesome. I have wanted an HDTV for 8 years now. I remember the first year Natalie and I were married, we went shopping with her Grandpa Shaw. Our quest, to buy a DVD player. They were the newest and hottest thing out. Grandpa Shaw was so cool, he had the big screen, he had heard about DVD, and was ready to have the newest and best. Mission complete, we got him a DVD player that is still runnning to this day. Thinking back, I remember walking into a show room, and I witnessed my first HDTV. It was amazing! Such vibrant colors, such crystal clear images, and it could be mine for the tune of around $6,000.00. Over the last 8 years I have watched better technology come out, and prices plummet. I saved and saved, and for not even near a 1/6th of the price, I have finally aquired my own.
So on a weekend where I am sick, and would generally have to miss church, What a blessing, I am able to enjoy General Conference at home. I even thought of the sacrifice Mom and Dad have to make living in Maryland. I don't think they can watch conference from home, unless they use their computers.
It doesn't get any better than General Conference. Well at least I thought so until this weekend.

I know whats better that General Conference.
General Conference in High Definition!!
Oh I love it. Never has the backdrop been so beautiful. I can see every wrinkle, every sparkle of the eye. I can truely admire the ties worn by the bretheren. I was even able to spot my choir teacher, Mrs. Bigler, singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Since its in digital, we kicked on the surround sound. Oh mamma, the organ can shake my house! What a blessing. I can truely and honestly say I am probably more excited about Conference in HD, than I was about the super bowl, and am about March Maddness.
So I will let you decide; How big of a nerd am I?
Well...since you are asking me...I would have to say you are a nerd. It's not a bad thing though. We all have our things. Electronics has always been your hobby. I thought the post was hilarious. Brian and I laughed about the wrinkle, sparkle, surround sound comment about general conference.
Sounds like an exciting work weekend. That is one thing about your job, you go to work not knowing what to expect. Sounds fun!
I have it on good record that I was a contributor to your new addiction. Where's my credit line?
Seriously, I'm holding out for OLED. Who knows, by then there may be something better.
That is so awesome!!! It sounds really cool and i'm extremely happy to see you updated again. You will have to give more details because kory keeps asking me questions i don't know the answers to about your new tv. Sounds so cool!!
Yep, it's official, you are a big nerd. Hopefully someday I can be as nerdy as you are. Then we can call each other up and talk specs on our dtvs, blue-rays, and all of that stuff I don't even know about yet.
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