
Official Web Site for 'Enchanted'...disney.go.com/disneypictures/enchanted/
We just barely saw this movie last night. I admit I was kind of luke warm about going to this movie. Watching the previews made me really want to see it. But when it got down to spending the money, taking the kids, and eliminating a day from our schedule where we could get other things done, I really wasn't too enthused to go. I am glad we pushed past that and went.
I really liked this movie. I give you fair warning, this isn't going to win anyone an Academy Award, and it's a princess movie made by Disney. It's predictable, and even though you know whats going to happen, you are excited to see it happen. There wasn't anything bad in this movie at all, it is a great for everyone in the family (Kallie was a bit scared of the witch in the movie). It has fun music in it, and I loved how they portrayed how a princess from an imaginary world would react if placed in the world as we know it.
If given the opportunity to see this movie again, I would take it. And when this comes out on DVD, I will be buying it.
Ok next movie,
The Golden Compass
(PG-13) Andy
Offical Web Site for 'The Golden Compass'...www.goldencompassmovie.com/
This was one of those movies that the preview looked awesome. We were impressed that Nicole Kidman was in the movie. But, we couldn't really tell what the movie was about just from the preview. We talked about seeing the movie, but it was one of those movies, that if something that had intrigued us more had come out, we would have missed it. I am glad we didn't.
This book is based off of a series of books.
Yet again a wonderful book that I never was aware of. I really enjoyed this movie. If given the opportunity I will definitely read the books. I found it interesting when researching the books (after seeing the movie), that the Catholic Church's school board has banned this series of books indefinitely. It was a fun adventure to go on. And, if there is a sequel movie that comes out I would go see it. I don't know if this is a movie I will buy on DVD, but I will see it again. Not as good as Enchanted, but it's clean, has a good story, and was a good escape.
I am thinking of starting another blog just for my movie stuff. Tell me what you think in comments. Do you like it here, or should I start one just for movie reviews?
I really love your movie reviews. You guys get to see a lot more movies than we do, and I find that I typically have the same opinions about my movies. We really really want to take Meg to enchanted. All I hear about it is good things. I don't know about the compass one. Brian heard that the man that writes the books is atheist (which is fine)and had the motive of trying to convince kids that there is no God through these books. Apparently he doesn't get into it a whole lot in the first book, but in the subsequent books it is a main theme. I think that is sick if it is true. Anyways...I totally think that you should continue the movie review, and I think that you should do it on your main page because I would like to keep up on regular updates of what you have seen. We plan to see National Treasure 2 too. You'll probably see it first because we still have to go to Enchanted so let us know what you think. Happy Holidays!!!
I found the compass one to be totally un-offensive. I have read alot about the atheist stuff related to the books. Without reading them who knows if it's true. There was a big to do about the Harry Potter books a few years ago as well. They had people on the news burning stacks of Harry Potter books in the streets.
So.... do what Brian say's, he is your family priesthood leader. If you do see it, I hope you enjoy it. I am soo glad to see that you commented. I have felt so lonely in the blogging world lately. Happy Holidays! I will probably be posting a lot in the next few weeks
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