Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Sad Sort of Depression turned into "Andy's Rant"

So last night we watched American Idol. I was able to come home from work a bit early, and Natalie and I were able to get a head start watching American Idol. When we watched there was still an hour left of voting that Natalie could participate in. But she didn't have her cell phone. I asked her if she was gonna vote at all. She told me "No", and that she didn't care who won now. I was bummed, I can't bring myself to the level of voting, so I was expecting her to vote for David Archuleta. She had "Lack of Brooke Depression."

Well if there was one thing that could snap the nasty spell, it would be Jason Castro. That dread-lock wearing hippie, that just has that stoned look on his face when the judges insult him. The only one that won't insult him is Paula. And I sense a bit of a crush there.

Well after Jason's first "song", (I put that in quotes because I won't call it that), or my interpretation of the sounds he made, the poor imitation of a sheep being rolled up in a carpet and being hit with a baseball bat, Natalie was ready to vote. She was willing to do what it took to get Jason off the show. I cannot believe he even made it past the first round. He sounded aweful. Natalie gave David Archuletta the majority of her votes and flung a few in the pool for David Cook as well.

Now I have Brooke depression, how can this no talent, wannabe, have beaten Brooke? It just boggles the mind. So hopefully Jason will be gone tonight. The he can return to his life, and spend all the time he saves by not washing his hair, telling everyone that he once shared a stage with David Archuletta, the American Idol (I hope).

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