Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What in the world????

Natalie and I were watching TV last night. The Mole was on, and were dedicated watchers. We have TIVO (well Comcast's version), so we generally don't see any commercials. I have no idea why we were watching commercials last night, but we were. Imagine our surprise when we saw this;

Now I know a good commercial, is one that people are going to remember, and talk about. Well, they accomplished just that. Natalie and I looked at each other with that look that says, "Did you just see the same commercial I did?" We both bust up laughing, and then talked about the stupid thing. So to the commercial producer, job well done. Natalie said to me, you should try and find that, and put it on the blog, well there it is. And that's all I have to say about that. Even though I am giggling right now, and am slightly disturbed.


Erika said...

I am laughing as well. Thanks for posting the commercial. It is one I will remember.

Sherri Madson said...

I was blog surfing tonight....and came across your site! That is one of the funniest commercials I have ever seen! Thanks for the laugh!